Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Going to Philly I

Hi guys. Guess where I went 10 days ago… if you said Philadelphia you cheated by looking at the title. >:-( .  Well, I did go and it was awesome.I went with my parents and their children. First, I went to the Rodin Museum. It had lots of sculptures. To name a few: Mask of a Man with a Broken Nose, Minerva, and The Thinker. After that I ate a little because we had to go to other places and I was hungry. I also went to the Rocky Steps. I took a video of Eric pretending to be Rocky. He also got a shirt with Rocky on it. We went to the Philadelphia Museum of Art too. That day there was a Korean exhibition. My favorite part was the one about the clothes. There was a short turquoise kimono-like dress with little pictures. I stayed looking at the dress so long that I got lost, but my parents found me or else I wouldn’t have written this. There was a show of Korean dances and music too. Afterward I went to the Barnes Museum where I saw beautiful paintings by Matisse, Van Gogh, Picasso, and there were 181 paintings by Renoir! He was my favorite.

Mask of a Man with a broken Nose
The Thinkers
Marco,(bottom left corner) Mom,( behind Marco)
Eric,( directly beneath The Thinker) Dad,(leaning against bottom
part of The Thinker), and Thomas( bottom right corner)


  1. Gracias por contarnos, Lila. I love your writing.

  2. Hi Lilaloca. I rather read your blog than the New York Times. I hope your computer is fixed or better… a new one.
