Friday, July 18, 2014

My First Book Review

Guess what...chicken butt. Joking. Actually I wanted to tell you that I was asked to write a review for a Penguin book. I hope you enjoy it and comment it.:

Matt London’s first book of the series of “The 8th Continent” is a mix of two very important subjects: ecology and freedom through a new land. Evie Lane and her brother Rick live in a trash-filled planet in which rules “rule.” They decide to search for the Eden Compound, a liquid that transforms garbage into natural materials, to create an 8th continent that shall allow them to escape their horrid world of absurd rules. In their journey they must face their advantaged arch-nemesis, Vesuvia Piffle, who wants to use the Eden Compound for her petty needs. In their adventures they must help Dr. Grant, their dad’s partner, find the ingredients for the formula and think quickly to break loose of Vesuvia’s grasps of doom!  I love how Evie and Rick stop for no one, and they are as determined as mosquitos are to suck your blood. Evie always comes up with wacky plans and is very adventurous. In a way, their quest to a new land of freedom for them and the animals seems to mirror the Pilgrims’ journey to America. Everything ends happily ever after…until the next book. London’s imagination makes the reader cling to the book like there is superglue on their fingers.
-LILA DEL RISCO July 17, 2014

Wednesday, July 16, 2014


Hi. I wanted to show you guys two characters I made. One of them is named Tango,because he is Argentinian, and the other character I made was named Aireos, because of  her head which is a balloon. Drum Roll please(Drum Roll), now without further ado my CREATIONS!!!
Tango( My Argentinian Bunny)
Aireos( My Airhead)