hi guys. i just wanted to talk to you about something most adults don't know...abbreviations.
stuff like lol. well, i wanted to know just how much teenager you guys have in you so i've decided to give you a quiz on abbreviations. p.s mom got an 945 on her's so don't fret.
15 points each
1 point each * = not very used
C= *B= 4=
U= K=
R= Thanx=
Y= 2=
Bonus 5 points
effort = half the point
hope you make the cut
Sunday, November 2, 2014
Nikkyit and creepybutcutelaugh
hi guys, what is up. i am giving a shout out to my friend. a sout out is not when you shout out, but when you announce someone. this explanation was for you grown-ups that have no experience with tweens, preteens, or teenagers. well either way i am shouting out nicole, my friend.her blog is nikkyit.blogspot.com . well she hopes you enjoy their inrestingness
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Guess Who
Uh-huh, oh yeah, la la la laaaaaaaa. Sorry, I was just dancing my happy dance since, drum roll please... my grandpa came to visit. He lives in Cuba and every time he comes he stays a long time. Well, anyway he just arrived and I'm super duper excited.
Me Being Super Duper Excited!!! Call 911 cuz' 'dis girl is on fiyaa!
Please don't tell me you really called the firefighters. I'm in the bathtub(TMI) so tell me how I would catch fire. Back to the grandpa. He says he going trick or treating with me. Well bye!
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
The Bestish Worstish Day Ever
October 21, 2014
Dear Diary.
Today I didn't go to school. That's the good part. The bad part is that I didn't go to school because of a peculiar rash that has gotten worse. Because I have the rash I went to my grandparents house and read my book: Midnight for Charlie Bone. It's about a boy that is endowed, but doesn't want to be since if he is like this he will have to go to a school for geniuses and will have only weekends to visit his family and friends. There is a box he receives from a woman. She says whatever is in that box a baby was traded for it and Charlie is set out to find the baby. Anyway, I quickly left to the doctor's office still reading. When I arrived I started playing with little kid toys(no offense little kids that probably don't even read my site). The visit ended up in me signing for my medication. Did you read clearly? If you read that I signed for my medicine you read correctly. Well that is it for today.
Dear Diary.
Today I didn't go to school. That's the good part. The bad part is that I didn't go to school because of a peculiar rash that has gotten worse. Because I have the rash I went to my grandparents house and read my book: Midnight for Charlie Bone. It's about a boy that is endowed, but doesn't want to be since if he is like this he will have to go to a school for geniuses and will have only weekends to visit his family and friends. There is a box he receives from a woman. She says whatever is in that box a baby was traded for it and Charlie is set out to find the baby. Anyway, I quickly left to the doctor's office still reading. When I arrived I started playing with little kid toys(no offense little kids that probably don't even read my site). The visit ended up in me signing for my medication. Did you read clearly? If you read that I signed for my medicine you read correctly. Well that is it for today.
Problem... Not Solved! :-(
What appeared to have been fixed was actually always broken. You know how I told you that they had given us permission slips for the buses, well the mayor had given enough money to give buses to forty parents that signed up (me in that list). After giving the slips to the whole school there is no longer enough money to cover buses for all of us. Now, what used to be a strong army of fire-breathing parents is nothing but a flame that is dying out. Soon when the votes are in for the B.O.E, . they will no longer hear our pleads for justice. Therefore, on November 4th vote for Mr. Justice.
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
They gave us the buses. The night before I had been at a meeting about the situation, but they hadn't decided. The next day they gave us a permission slip for anyone who wanted to use the buses, but they still haven't given us the buses. I think they're just working out the schedule. Well that's all I wanted to say to not keep you hanging anymore.
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
Today I went to my first protest. I had to wake up at about 8:30 am. Ugh. I woke up,went downstairs, and made posters. I went to City Hall and started protesting. By the way we were all protesting for buses for kids going to the high school Saint Josephs, since my school Harry L. Bain was being demolished and rebuilt. At first I thought that the mayor was going to come out but after a while my Dad explained that we were here for publicity. That if we attracted attention to the cameras other people would see our situation and that would put pressure on our mayor and we had him. Also, I ask you to help us. Tell your friends and family. If enough of you pitch in we all can win and we will get our buses.
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
August 21, 2014
I had just arrived in London and I was tired. Although I just wanted to fall asleep I couldn't because I had a long day ahead of me. First, I went to Shakespeare's Globe where I saw one of his plays, Antony and Cleopatra. I watched for a bit then fell asleep. Later, I went to Cabrera Infante's house where I met his wife, Miriam Gómez. The house was filled with books. There was shelf that reached the ceiling. She also had a stack of movies. Again I fell asleep until we had to leave at which point she recommended we ate in a restaurant where Lady Di used to eat. It was an Italian restaurant called Da Mario. E.O.T.D( End of The Day)
Friday, July 18, 2014
My First Book Review
Guess what...chicken butt. Joking. Actually I wanted to tell you that I was asked to write a review for a Penguin book. I hope you enjoy it and comment it.:
Matt London’s
first book of the series of “The 8th Continent” is a mix of two very
important subjects: ecology and freedom through a new land. Evie Lane and her
brother Rick live in a trash-filled planet in which rules “rule.” They decide
to search for the Eden Compound, a liquid that transforms garbage into natural
materials, to create an 8th continent that shall allow them to escape
their horrid world of absurd rules. In their journey they must face their
advantaged arch-nemesis, Vesuvia Piffle, who wants to use the Eden Compound for
her petty needs. In their adventures they must help Dr. Grant, their dad’s
partner, find the ingredients for the formula and think quickly to break loose
of Vesuvia’s grasps of doom! I love how Evie and Rick stop for no one, and they are as
determined as mosquitos are to suck your blood. Evie always comes up with wacky
plans and is very adventurous. In a way, their quest to a new land of freedom for them and the animals seems
to mirror the Pilgrims’ journey to America. Everything ends happily ever after…until
the next book. London’s imagination makes the reader cling to the book like
there is superglue on their fingers.
Matt London’s
first book of the series of “The 8th Continent” is a mix of two very
important subjects: ecology and freedom through a new land. Evie Lane and her
brother Rick live in a trash-filled planet in which rules “rule.” They decide
to search for the Eden Compound, a liquid that transforms garbage into natural
materials, to create an 8th continent that shall allow them to escape
their horrid world of absurd rules. In their journey they must face their
advantaged arch-nemesis, Vesuvia Piffle, who wants to use the Eden Compound for
her petty needs. In their adventures they must help Dr. Grant, their dad’s
partner, find the ingredients for the formula and think quickly to break loose
of Vesuvia’s grasps of doom! I love how Evie and Rick stop for no one, and they are as
determined as mosquitos are to suck your blood. Evie always comes up with wacky
plans and is very adventurous. In a way, their quest to a new land of freedom for them and the animals seems
to mirror the Pilgrims’ journey to America. Everything ends happily ever after…until
the next book. London’s imagination makes the reader cling to the book like
there is superglue on their fingers.
-LILA DEL RISCO July 17, 2014
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
Hi. I wanted to show you guys two characters I made. One of them is named Tango,because he is Argentinian, and the other character I made was named Aireos, because of her head which is a balloon. Drum Roll please(Drum Roll), now without further ado my CREATIONS!!!
Tango( My Argentinian Bunny) |
Aireos( My Airhead) |
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Only eight more days till I am freed from school's grasp of torture. Even we aren't there yet I am still happy. Today I sold Smelly Pencils, which is something I like to do. Since today is Wednesday the whole class went to gym. There we played scooter polo. Scooter polo is like water polo, but in scooter polo you play on a scooter instead of in the water. After that I went to science where I found out I got a glorious 100 on my final exam and a 94 on a mini quiz. Later I went to math where Mr. Amaya showed me I got a 94 on my final exam. He also let us play on the computers. I went to lunch, ate pizza, and played freeze tag. In class I had to work in my social studies workbook. It counted as a grade. My teacher told me, when I finished, that my grade for, social studies, that marking period was A-. The best news was that all we would do for the rest of the year was read for an hour and a half and watch a series called Liberty Kids for another hour and a half. Plus...
NO HOMEWORK!!! This is seriously Hallelujah!

Thursday, May 22, 2014
Just A Usual Day
Hi guys. Today was my average day, but my average day is awesome. At least to me. When I woke up I decided to put on my uniform, thinking it was early, to surprise my dad by already being ready. While I was getting out of bed Mamiloqui, my grandma, passed by my bedroom and saw me. She asked if there was no school today. I told her why would she think that. She said that it was 9:00 am and I am supposed to be at school at 8:30 am. I lowered my voice because I didn't want to wake up my dad. He might have gotten very, very, very stressed and when he gets stressed he gets angry. I went back into to my room, put on my clothes, grabbed my glasses, and ran down the stairs. At the bottom of the stairs I put on my sneakers and walked to the kitchen. I drank my milk while my grandma wrote an apology letter to my teacher. I quickly brushed my teeth and ran out the door. When I got to school I went to the main office to get my late slip. As I climbed up the stairs I wondered if I was missing my special, computers, or if the students were still in the classroom doing social studies. I finally reached my classroom and to my relief they hadn't gone to special yet. The teacher was just happy to see that I wasn't going to miss a day of school. I removed a social studies textbook from the shelf and took out my notebook. I was only able to read a bit of what we had to read, in order to answer the questions, because the period ended. At computer class I had to write a biography on somebody that was influential in some way. I decided to pick Harry Houdini. I got distracted from my work when a kid told me that he found my blog, a video my dad posted on you tube on my birthday >:-(, and other things. After that I went to science and math. At lunch I made a part of a song with one of my best friends, Emily. Then, I watched "liberty kids". It is a series about two kids that report and take part in the time of King George and searching for a new government. As I watched "liberty kids" I did my favorite hobby that I do at school...FILING PAPERS! At the end of the day I went to peer, an after-school group that's about helping. When I got out at 3:45 pm my grandpa was waiting for me outside the school doors. I asked my dad if I could go to my grandparent's house and he said yes. Before getting to his house we went to the clinic in which he worked. Everybody was delighted to see us. I also saw one of my friends there. She is Daniela and she is studying to be a model. Afterward we went to his house. I ate mashed potatoes with salmon on the side. YUM! While eating my grandma told me a story about this girl that wanted Christmas in July and her Aunt gave it to her in some type of way. I had to do my homework too. My grandma had to help me with it. Later I went home. I played hangman with my mom. At the end of the day I wrote this and went to sleep.
P.S. Oversleeping is not part of my usual day.
What Happens When My Dad Gets Mad
Friday, May 2, 2014
An Interview with Santiago
Some time ago at Paquito D’Rivera’s, a famous musician,
house I met a prodigy at a party. I decided to interview him.
Well to
start with his name was Santiago del Curto. He was 6 years old and he played the
clarinet. He told me that his parents also played instruments. His mother
played the cello and his father played the accordion. The first instrument he
played was the piano. He started playing it 4 years old then stopped and began
playing the recorder and about 4 months ago had an interest in the clarinet. He
clarified to me that the recorder was a clarinet like object that had holes
instead of keys. He also told me that he liked the clarinet because of the
sound its nice shade of brown. He
learned to play the clarinet in a school that he moved to. He explained that
even though they taught kids how to play instruments in his school they didn’t
have a band. That day he played a song that Paquito D’Rivera wrote for him
which is called “Blues for Santi.” He played with his mom, dad, Paquito, and a
piano player. He made a few mistakes that were pretty little for learning how
to play 4 months ago.
After that, other people sang, such as a couple of brothers that sang a
song about words that were the same in Spanish, but meant different things in different countries. The song was hilarious
because saying this word would get them punched in one country or hugged in
another. It was a swell party.
Friday, April 18, 2014
Bello Mania!
Today was fantastic. I saw the one and only Demetrius Alexandro Claudio Amadeus Bello Nock a.k.a
Bello Nock from Bello Mania. His family has been in the circus for 7
generations. He did various tricks like holding a chair and walking on a tightrope
at the same time. First, he jumped on a trampoline and pretended to hurt
himself. He hit his private parts with the hard edges of the trampoline and
stuck his head between the bouncy part and the edges of the trampoline. After
that, his daughter, Annaliese, lied down in a net that lifted her up in the air
while she twisted and twirled through the air. Next, a cowboy called A.J Silver
did amazing lasso tricks. He made the lasso “walk” on his arm too. Also,
Annaliese walked on the tightrope in honor of one of her ancestors. Bello walked on it too. He also rode a Lalaloopsy-sized
bicycle and sat on a chair while on the tightrope. When Bello got down from the tightrope, he climbed on about 8
chairs placed on top of each other. A.J Silver came back and did a dance. While
he danced he cut out Bello 's figure, with a whip, out of a piece of paper that Bello was holding with his hands. In addition, the announcer did
a parody of “Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader”. It was called “Are You Smarter
than a 1st grader”. There was a 1st grader that got chosen out from the
audience. Bello was the person she was up against. Bello got to pick
the category. He picked Natural Science first. The question was why
a gorilla's nose is so big. Bello answered: “Have you seen the size of their fingers?” while
a picture behind him showed a gorilla picking his nose. The points went to the
little girl, because Bello has answered with a question. He
picked another category in which Bello had to say the younger opponent’s favorite
teacher. Bello just answered a random name. Of course the points
went to the little girl again. The last and final category that Bello chose was U.S. Math. He said it as it
was spelled us Math. The question was: “If a
train was delayed at the station and another train was delayed at the station,
where are both trains?” While Bello was counting with his fingers the little girl
answered. Her prize was a “$5,000 bill” and Bello had to say, “I am not smarter than a 1st grader.” The
second to last act was very cool. He asked a teenager to hold a balloon over
her head and he got a thin balloon and used it like a bow. He
loaded it with nothing and actually popped the bigger balloon. When the
teenager was getting off stage he asked for a kiss on the cheek and when she
was about to kiss him he turned his head which ended up as a kiss to the mouth.
Finally, he climbed up a plastic pole that kept tilting, to reach a
balloon that had floated upward. Amazing, right?
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
Going to Philly II
-The next day
First, I went to Independence Hall. It was where meetings between
the colonies were held about British taxes and such. I went to see the Liberty
Bell too. And may I say it was huge and very heavy! (In this corner, fighting for
the red, white, and blue, weighing 1 ton and 80 lbs… the Liberty Bell!) Later,
I went to the National Museum of American Jewish History where I saw
documentaries about famous Jewish people such as baseball players, actors,
etc…. Besides that I looked at baseball cards from Jewish baseball players.
That was pretty much everything I did in Philadelphia and I had a blast.
Independence Hall
F.Y.I: I did not post anything for so long because my computer glitched for a long time.
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Going to Philly I
Hi guys. Guess where I went 10 days ago… if you said Philadelphia
you cheated by looking at the title. >:-( .
Well, I did go and it was awesome.I went with my parents and their children. First, I went to the Rodin
Museum . It had lots of sculptures.
To name a few: Mask of a Man with a Broken Nose, Minerva, and The
Thinker. After that I ate a little because we had to go to other places and
I was hungry. I also went to the Rocky Steps. I took a video of Eric pretending
to be Rocky. He also got a shirt with Rocky on it. We went to the Philadelphia
Museum of Art too. That day there was a Korean exhibition. My favorite part was
the one about the clothes. There was a short turquoise kimono-like dress with
little pictures. I stayed looking at the dress so long that I got lost, but my
parents found me or else I wouldn’t have written this. There was a show of
Korean dances and music too. Afterward I went to the Barnes
Museum where I saw beautiful
paintings by Matisse, Van Gogh, Picasso, and there were 181 paintings by
Renoir! He was my favorite.
Mask of a Man with a broken Nose
The Thinkers Marco,(bottom left corner) Mom,( behind Marco) Eric,( directly beneath The Thinker) Dad,(leaning against bottom part of The Thinker), and Thomas( bottom right corner) |
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Where I Wish to Be
Coney Island
Hi guys. Again I am sick to my wits. Well, today I wish I could go to Coney Island.
I wish I could ride the roller coaster and have the wind blow through my hair. You can see how I imagine it below. Also, I would have gone on the flying chairs (best attraction ever!) I would like to be on the "surfing board" that has been cut off on the bottom right corner. After that, I would have gone to the Russian neighborhood that is next to "Coney Island" and eaten the delicious food there. For example: chocolates and meatballs. Bye!
Having Fun in Coney Island
Monday, March 10, 2014
Home Sick ( literally)
Hi guys. Hope you are okay because I'm not. Today I'm stuck in my house nose stuffed and I'm coughing up a lung. When I woke up it was about 8:45. I got out of my bed and went downstairs. I ate my breakfast and then my grandma, Mamiloqui, came through the front door. After that I watched "Mirror Mirror", but it kept pausing so I went to the kitchen to talk with my grandma. While we spoke, we ate a type of cream with crackers, that was delicious. When it was 12:00 I watched a Brazilian soap opera with my grandma, and in the middle of it my other grandma and my grandpa came to bring chicken soup. Mm-mm good. Well that is pretty much it.
P.S: Guiliana get well soon!!! ;-)
P.S: Guiliana get well soon!!! ;-)
![]() |
Sooo Sick |
Sunday, March 9, 2014
A Day at the Rubin Museum
Yesterday I celebrated the Himalayan New Year at the Rubin Museum.
I got to do lots of activites. First, I made a mini prayer flag. I had to place a piece of paper over a stencil and gently rub it with a crayon. I did that about five times. When I was done I taped the pieces of paper onto a string and wore as you can see on the image below. After that, I helped make a mandala, which is a design that symbolizes the universe. Also, there were monks that made a mandala out of colored sand. After four hours they finished. That is when they blew the sand away to symbolize the non-permanence of the universe. Finally, we made butter sculptures or tormas that were actually made out of clay. I made a horse-eater which is a mix of an ant-eater and a horse. This is all for "A Day at the Rubin Museum."
I got to do lots of activites. First, I made a mini prayer flag. I had to place a piece of paper over a stencil and gently rub it with a crayon. I did that about five times. When I was done I taped the pieces of paper onto a string and wore as you can see on the image below. After that, I helped make a mandala, which is a design that symbolizes the universe. Also, there were monks that made a mandala out of colored sand. After four hours they finished. That is when they blew the sand away to symbolize the non-permanence of the universe. Finally, we made butter sculptures or tormas that were actually made out of clay. I made a horse-eater which is a mix of an ant-eater and a horse. This is all for "A Day at the Rubin Museum."
Maria Paula and I making butter sculptures
Monk making mandala
Welcome! ;)
Hi and welcome to my first blog ever.
This blog is going to be about places, travels, and trips.
If I don't go some place I might write about what I did in my house.
I might add a few things as I go along.
I hope you enjoy it. ;-)
This blog is going to be about places, travels, and trips.
If I don't go some place I might write about what I did in my house.
I might add a few things as I go along.
I hope you enjoy it. ;-)
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