Wednesday, June 11, 2014


    Only eight more days till I am freed from school's grasp of torture. Even we aren't there yet I am still happy. Today I sold Smelly Pencils, which is something I like to do. Since today is Wednesday the whole class went to gym. There we played scooter polo. Scooter polo is like water polo, but in scooter polo you play on a scooter instead of in the water. After that I went to science where I found out I got a glorious 100 on my final exam and a 94 on a mini quiz. Later I went to math where Mr. Amaya showed me I got a 94 on my final exam. He also let us play on the computers. I went to lunch, ate pizza, and played freeze tag. In class I had to work in my social studies workbook. It counted as a grade. My teacher told me, when I finished, that my grade for, social studies, that marking period was A-. The best news was that all we would do for the rest of the year was read for an hour and a half and watch a series called Liberty Kids for another hour and a half. Plus...
         NO HOMEWORK!!! This is seriously Hallelujah!